Succulent Soil Mix
Succulents Soil is mostly focus on 2 main characteristic: very good drainage and soil that allows good aeration.
Succulents dont like soils that retain to much water - This is probably the main factor to kill a succulent, too much water. As such you want to find a soil that retains some water, but that allows most of the water to drain down.
If the soil is too compacted the roots wont be able to breathe as such a soil that allows for enough aeration is very important.
Most of the soil mixes for cactus dont provide these 2 essential characteristics and as such I found that its simpler and cheaper to make my own soil. There’s so many references online that sometimes its difficult to choose.
By no means I’m assuming that my recipe is the best one, but I’ve tried several mixes and very happy with the final result:
1 Part - Coir - Buy Here
1 Part - Horticultural Grit - Buy Here
1 Part - Horticultural Sharp Sand - Buy Here
2 Parts - Perlite - Buy Here
I tend to buy a bigger quantity and mix it so I can have soil mix always available.
If you are wondering where is the soil/compost, the answer is simple, it isn’t. I feed my succulents with fertilizer and as such not having compost or soil allows more control over the feeding and its nutrients. This is very similar to some of the methods for growing vegetables on sandy soil that contains no nutrients and then providing these through water/fertilizer.
Coir is the coarse fiber from the outer husk of coconuts and will provide some water retention but also aditional aeration due to low compression it provides to the soil also making the soil very loose.
Perlite - is a non-organic additive used to aerate the soil. Its volcanic glass that is heated to high temperatures. Its very light allowing for very good aeration and some water retention.
Grit and Sharp sand provide the volume without too much water retention. Grit will also help the soil avoiding compression that doesnt provide enough aeration
Try your own mixes, what ever works for you and makes your succulents grow happy:)
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